Nov 13, 2008

Allergies and sinusitis

Allergies and sinusitis

Allergies are not just delivering you the inconvenience, in the absence of proper treatment it can lead to the development of other diseases, such as sinusitis.

Sinusitis is usually caused by viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

If allergies often nasal swelling mucous and phlegm can not freely go through the course of the bow. She enters the sinuses (sinus is air cavities located inside the head, around the nose), which creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that leads to sinusitis.

The symptoms of sinusitis may include:

* Headache. You may be feeling like a sore face

* Yellow or green allocation from the nose

* Stuffy nose

* Increased body temperature

Studies conducted in the U.S., showed that 80% of patients with allergic rhinitis and 75% of patients with asthma also suffer from sinusitis.

Allergy or Flu?

How to differ normal flu from allergies?

Do you have a flu, which never takes place? Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish flu from allergies because the symptoms are very similar. If you have a flu occurs at the same time of the year and lasts several weeks or months, it is possible that an allergic reaction to something. To know this for sure, you should consult a physician.

Compare the symptoms of flues and allergic symptoms:

Flu: Sneezing, Stuffy nose, Sneezing, Rhinitis, Temperature, Sore throat, Apportionment from nose, Sick, Duration of symptoms is about one week or two

Allergic symptoms: Sneezing, Stuffy nose, Sneezing, Itch in eye, Rhinitis, Apportionment from nose, Sick, Duration of symptoms is permanently or in some seasons of the ear.

Allergy Causes

There are many different types of allergic reactions - depending on the extent to which bodies they arise. But all have the same clinical manifestations of nature - hypersensitivity to allergens.

When symptoms arise in the nasal cavity and lungs, we are talking about respiratory allergies, skin - the skin, in the eyes - the eye allergies.

Another way of classifying allergies is depending on the cause of allergic reaction. In fact, the numbers of substances - potential allergens are very high. There are allergic to insect bite, food and medicine, house dust mites, etc.

Heredity in Allergy

Become allergies can anyone and at any age. However, the risk increases if other members of your family also suffer from allergies. Patients with allergies, whose kindred as the same allergic, had known as atopic patients.

If none, of your relatives do not have allergy, the risk of developing allergies to anything you have is only 5 to 15%. However, if both your parents suffer from allergies, the likelihood of allergies you have increased to 40-60% or even 80% if they have the same type of allergic reaction.

What is allergy?

The term "allergy" is used to unnecessarily strong reaction in the body any substance coming from outside. Our body has a "system of protection against external aggression factor, which is called the immune system. Alien body substances, called antigens, are found inside, to provoke reaction of immune system that is beginning to produce antibodies to neutralize the antigen. This reaction is absolutely necessary, when the organism, for example, gets the virus. When allergy is the immune system begins to seriously respond to innocuous to the average person substances known as allergens.

This overreaction, or hypersensitivity cause chain reactions in internal organs and tissues of the body, in which inflammation occurs, but because of certain cells (called "mast cells") provided the substance - histamine, in turn causing clinical manifestations of allergy. These expressions may be different for different people, sometimes seen as a different disease.

Thus, patients with allergies - a person biologically sensitive to allergens, with some symptoms that arise from time to time, or existing permanent.

Why is allergy appearing?

Allergy - 21 century disease

Allergy is certainly not uncommon. From its various forms suffers from a third man, and in the past 20 years, the number of allergies is growing especially rapidly.

The international study (ISAAC) showed that the frequency of occurrence of allergic rhinitis is 20-25% of the population, and in the past 25 years, it has tripled.

The increase of allergic diseases, around the world, is explained by factors external environment, and change behaviors and habits. This explains why the frequency of allergy varies in different countries and even in different cities.

Some Allergy Questions

Q: I'm allergic to household dust, animal, tree pollen. Now the cat took a special breed, I'm allergic to this cat breed less, but still there. It does not want to give the animal and did not react to it all organisms. Apropos, but why, all the other allergy doctors refuse to utter a word about other method? For all treated only with medicines. How to treat allergies?

Answer: The symptoms begin literally removed at the first session (mortgaged nose, sneezing, etc.). The frequency of your employment depends on the dynamics of recovery and is determined by your doctor. With regard to your illness, it is necessary to limit contact with allergen (cat, in the first period of treatment). You'll see the interesting part - on the termination of allergic reactions to cat, you stop an allergic reaction to other irritants, allergens. Strengths home remedies method - fast performance, non drugs treatment, lack of side effects. Where are easier to send the patient to allergy tests, and then continually write a lot of drugs, only take off symptoms.

To date, cause of allergies so far scientists are not installed. Allergy is count as incurable disease. All treatment is aimed only at eliminating symptoms. The risk of any allergies is the possibility of moving the disease in bronchial asthma.

Q: From the sun on my body appears allergy as a red spot, then white and it’s itch?

Answer: One of the manifestations of allergy to the sun is – photo sensibility, which can occur in the skin reddening, rash, mini radiation burn, immediately giving a reaction to ultraviolet. The body suffers from the sun and immediately responds skin problems. Allergies - it «wrong» immune response to any stimulus from the external environment, and this state - always the result of metabolic diseases.