Apr 14, 2009

Nutrition and diet for allergies

Nutrition and diet help in the allergy treatment and allergy prevention.

If you have food allergy, eliminate those items from your diet. Even if you don't have any identified food allergy, try a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, reduce the intake of foods that may stimulate inflammation (such as meats, full fat dairy products, sugar, and highly processed foods). Change in your diet may improve allergic symptoms.

Include Essential Fatty Acids in your diet.

Omega-6 fatty acids have a longstanding history of folk use as allergy treatment. They are essential fatty acids (EFAs), meaning that they are needed by the body and must be obtained from the diet. People who are prone to allergies may require more essential fatty acids and often have difficulty converting linoleic acid (an inflammation-provoking type of omega-6 fatty acid) to gamma-linolenic acid (an anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid). Studies on the use of essential fatty acids for allergy treatment and prevention have had mixed results. Whether taking a gamma linolic acid supplement improves your symptoms, therefore, may be very individual. Work with your healthcare provider to first determine if it is safe for you to try gamma linolic acid and then follow your allergy symptoms closely for any signs of change. Gamma linolic acid is found in spirulina and seed oils of evening primrose, black currant, borage, and fungal oils.

In terms of dietary changes relative to essential fatty acids, you should try to eat foods rich an omega-3 fatty acids (such as cold-water fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts). Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and limiting foods with omega-6 fatty acids (found, for example, in egg yolks, meats, and cooking oils including corn, safflower, and cottonseed,) may reduce allergy symptoms in general. This is because omega-3 fatty acids tend to decrease inflammation while omega-6 fatty acids (other than GLA) tend to increase inflammation.

Take in Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Studies suggest that L. acidophilus, "friendly" bacteria found in the intestines, enhance the immune system and helps in the allergy treatment and allergy prevention. It is thought to have the potential to lower the risk of allergies and suppress allergy symptoms, including allergic rhinitis.

Vitamins and Minerals for Allergies

If you have any food allergies, eliminate those items from your diet. Even if you don't have any identified food allergy, reducing the intake of foods that may stimulate inflammation (such as meats, full fat dairy products, sugar, and highly processed foods) may improve your symptoms.

  • Vitamin C Research has shown that vitamin C can reduce blood levels of histamine. Studies have shown that 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C drastically reduced the blood histamine level of a group of volunteers. Some doctors picking up from this study suggests vitamin C as part of allergy treatment.
  • Vitamin B Alan Gaby, M.D. said "I often get good results by treating hay fever with supplements of pantothenic acid," (from the book Blended Medicine, Michael Castleman) He recommends to take 100 to 1,000 milligrams of vitamin B every day.

Bromelain Bromalain supplements is may help suppress cough, reduce nasal mucus associated with sinusitis, and relieve the swelling and inflammation caused by hay fever and is generally used for allergy treatment. This supplement is often administered with quercetin.

Quercetin it is another supplement used for allergy treatment together with bromalain. Quercetin is a flavonoid, a plant pigment responsible for the colors found in fruits and vegetables. Quercetin acts as allergy treatment by inhibiting the production and release of histamine.

Conventional medicine for allergies

In conditions where the allergens cannot be avoided, allergen hypnotherapy is used for allergy treatment and alleviation of allergy symptoms. Immunotherapy, commonly called allergy shots or injections, can be given to desensitize a person to the allergen. With allergen immunotherapy, allergic reactions can be prevented or reduced in number or severity. However, allergen immunotherapy is not always effective. Some people and some allergies tend to respond better than others. Immunotherapy is used most often for allergies to house dust mites, pollen, insect bites, and animal dander.

Immunotherapy injections in some occasions may cause dangerous allergic reactions in itself. Thus, this should be done by a certified medical practitioner and done with sufficient medical observation. If the person has mild allergic reactions to immunotherapy, a drug- antihistamine is given.

Antihistamine drugs:

Over the counter drugs for allergies

  • Antihistamines: The drugs most commonly used to relieve the symptoms of allergies and used as allergy treatment are antihistamines. Some antihistamines are available without a prescription, and some require a prescription. Antihistamines block the effects of histamine rather than stop its production. Taking antihistamines partially relieves the itching and reduces the swelling due to hives or mild angioedema.

Home remedy for allergy treatment & prevention

The best home remedy allergy treatment and home allergy prevention is the avoidance from allergen.

The first step is to determine the allergens that would trigger your allergy. Avoid the allergens whenever possible.
Avoiding an allergen may involve discontinuing a drug (medication allergy), avoiding foods and food derivatives (food allergy), keeping a pet out of the house (rhinitis), being selective in using materials, installing high-efficiency air filters. A person with severe seasonal allergies may consider moving to an area that does not have the allergen. A person with an allergy to house dust should remove items that collect dust.

  • allergy pollen Stay indoors as much as possible when pollen counts are at their peak, usually during the mid-morning and early evening, and when wind is blowing pollens around.
  • Keep windows closed and use air conditioning in your car and home. Air conditioning units should be kept clean. Avoid using window fans that can draw pollens and molds into the house.
  • Wear glasses or sunglasses when outdoors to minimize pollen getting into your eyes.
  • Avoid rubbing eyes, which will only irritate them or make your condition worse.
  • Clean floors with a damp rag or mop rather than dry dusting or sweeping.
  • Wash your hands immediately after petting any animals. Remove and wash clothing after visiting friends with pets.
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom to limit exposure to pet dander while sleeping.
  • Reduce indoor molds caused by high humidity by cleaning bathrooms, kitchens and basements regularly. A dehumidifier can be used to reduce molds, especially in damp, humid places like basements. Make sure the dehumidifier is cleaned often. To clean moldy areas in the home, use a 1-to-10 parts diluted mixture of chlorine bleach and water.
  • A filter over bedroom air vents to prevent pet dander, dust, and molds from being blown in from other parts of the house through heating or air-conditioning ducts.
  • Use window shades or curtains that can be laundered or cleaned frequently, instead of heavy drapes.
  • Don't hang sheets or clothing outdoors to dry, as pollens and molds can collect on them.
  • Wash bed linens in hot water (at least 130° Fahrenheit) and use your dryer's hottest setting to kill mites and control animal allergens.
  • Enclose pillows, mattresses, and box springs in zippered, air-tight casings to curtail mite activity.
  • Do not use a feather- or down-filled pillow.
  • Keep dust from accumulating by vacuuming floors and cleaning surfaces weekly.
  • Keep small knickknacks, books, and CDs inside cabinets or drawers so that they don't collect dust.
  • Replace synthetic pillows every 2 to 3 years.


Cold winter evening so want to lie on the beach, «dip» in the warm sun rays. But even before the summer so far.
What to do? Fortunately, the availability of near beauty salon or a sports club solarium rectify the situation. But it is not safe artificial «sunbathing»? Consider all the «outside» and «against».
The benefits of visiting the solarium is not in comparison to anything! First, you buy the perfect color, that is important. Secondly, the correct sunlight, and it is this and is a solarium on the beach, here UVB and UVA rays are balanced so as not to cause harm to the skin and as a consequence, the whole body, you support your immune system and help your body cope with the number of diseases. And probably the most important «FOR» is getting pleasure from the process.
What is as dangerous a tan in the solarium?
Excessive enthusiasm like lead to a breach of the hair, breaking skin pigmentation, loss of elasticity of the skin and the growth of tumors. But again, such a reaction is possible only when the abuse solarium and a wrong approach to the procedure.
To avoid unwanted reactions and complications, the procedure is necessary to consult with cosmetologists, determine skin type, choose the right, just for you, kind of solarium, and decide in due course of procedure.
Main did not forget that all is well the best!

The development of doctrine on the allergy

The development of doctrine on the allergy was currently one of the most important areas of modern medicine. The reason for the close attention of all medical specialties to the problem of allergies is the first of all increase of allergic diseases worldwide.

Among the various factors affecting the growth allergic disease, there has been an increasing use of various vaccines and medicines, especially antibiotics.

The study of allergies caused by the drug, substance, the words which are morphological changes of the blood, led to the development of a new branch of Allergy - immunological, which is now also growing rapidly. The emergence of trombone and leukemia under the influence of certain drugs is an example immunological disease.

Another factor contributing to the increase in allergic diseases is the production of synthetic materials, paints, solvents and other chemical compounds. The decline of infectious disease is accompanied by increased allergic disease in relation to non-communicable allergens - pollen of plants, animals hypoallergenic, various bacteria and fungi.

Allergic form of bronchial asthma, urticaria, edema caused by different localization in a variety of substances, allergens, the study of the nature of which way to malicious actions of prevention and treatment of the contents of the most important part of modern clinical allergology. Prevention of these diseases requires the production of many specialized products from pollen of plants, products, skin animals, fungi, as well as therapeutic serums, etc. Production of these products are many companies, mills and factories in many countries around the world. Thus evolved the technical or production, allergically.

Along with the increase of allergic diseases caused by different allergens from the external environment, the attention of physicians of various specialties attract allergic diseases caused by allergens, resulting in the sick organism. These diseases are called hypoallergenic or auto allergicaally. These include diseases like collagen (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, nodular periarteritis, scleroderma, etc.), lymphoid goiter Hashimoto, autoallergicheskie neuropathy, demieliniziruyuschie diseases of the nervous system, etc.

At the core of both exo as well as endo allergic diseases caused by the same general pattern of development of disease. Moreover, the current distinction between the two groups of allergic diseases are increasingly blurred.

The question of the place and importance of allergy medicine highlights the different, and so far can not give preference to a very common point of view. Among the wide diversity of views appropriate to the two extreme positions. And both of these views, we think, do not express correct understanding of the issue. According to the first point of view of the teachings of the allergy and its place in medicine is widely understood. It is clear that such an interpretation of the phenomena of allergy is not conducive to the scientific study of the mechanisms of allergic reactions and ways of treatment of allergic diseases. In fact, allergic diseases are based on immunological mechanisms and has, therefore, represent a disease with such a mechanism for the emergence and development, for which the required special methods of investigation, and for allergic diseases - a special therapy techniques.

Another extreme view is that the allergic reactions and diseases tend to consider only the type of disease anaphylactic shocks, serum sickness, bronchial asthma, urticaria and edema Kvinke. Undoubtedly, this view is to assess the role of allergic reactions to medicine also untrue. Modern allergy, as evidenced by the international congresses, numerous conferences and symposiums bring together in terms of the mechanism of development in the group of allergic diseases and pathological processes such as kollagenozy different autoallergicheskie lesion type demieliniziruyuschih disease, type of skin lesions of contact dermatitis, the processes of transplant rejection and many others.

Common and unifying all these diseases is the immunologic mechanism of their development, the role of various etiological allergens and aggressive, damaged the role of antibodies or cell number in lymphoid cells and tissues in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases.

Phenomena autoimmunity and auto allergic were first described after II Mechnikov, studied in rabbits of antibodies in relation to their own sperm and erythrocytes. This line of research developed in the future in the immunology section, called the doctrine of tsitotoksinah. Almost at the same time, there was the modern doctrine of allergy, and 60 years, these two trends have evolved independently. Specific cytologist now recognized as a characteristic indicators allergic alterapii cells leukocytes, fat cells, epithelium, etc.

Two directions in the study of pathological phenomena - Allergies and tsitotoksiny, arose during the II Mechnikov - together on a new basis of modern understanding of the mechanism of allergic reactions and slender was a whole.

Another no less striking example is the treatment of allergy-transplant immune reactions or transplant rejection. Medewar works and other scientists found that the processes of transplant rejection is an allergic reaction cell type that has all the features of allergic reactions in this group. Individual lymphocytes are carriers of the reaction of the recipient immune response to antigenic substances neprizhivlyaemogo transplant. The phenomenon of transplant immunity on the merits of his chapter presents the general doctrine of delayed-type allergic reactions.

Thus, the success of modern allergology allowed to see the allergic mechanisms, where previously they were not noticed. This fact alone greatly expands the range of diseases with allergic mechanism and, consequently, the role and importance of allergy medicine.

At the same time, Allergies - no longer «boundless sea» (VI Talalaev) incomprehensible and unrelated phenomena. The modern doctrine of allergy - a strong system knowledge of the mechanisms of many phenomena not previously studied, the substance of the ignorance which hide under different names intricate.

It is now possible to imagine the following main forms of participation in the processes of allergic diseases.

1. Actually allergic disease. Among them, we propose to allocate a group of true allergic diseases, as opposed to the so-called false allergic diseases like allergic changes in the organs and tissues, but not in the main immunologic mechanism, typical of the true allergic diseases.

2. The diseases in which allergy is involved as a compulsory component in the pathogenesis of the main pathological process (tuberculosis, brucellosis, rheumatism, etc.).

3. Diseases in which the allergy is not a mandatory component of the pathogenesis of the basic pathological process, but also participates as one of the mechanisms that influence the course of main disease or its complications (hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, etc.).

Study on allergy appeared in the clinic (Pirguet, 1906). Clinical aspects of studying this problem are important to uncover the many sides of pathogenesis of allergic diseases. It should be borne in mind that it is a satisfactory model of human allergic diseases has not been able to create. Anaphylactic bronchial spasm guinea pigs plays only a small part of the complex processes that characterize the attack of bronchial asthma. Experimental contact dermatitis in guinea pigs caused by simple chemical compounds (parafenilendiamin, sulfanilamide, novocaine, etc.) and does not constitute a full picture of contact dermatitis and other allergic manifestations caused by these substances in humans. We do not have a complete model of most autoallergicheskih disease. The difficulty in modeling human allergic diseases is due primarily to species and genetic characteristics of human body with a very complex antigenic structure of tissues, as well as a number of peculiarities in the properties and mechanism of formation globulinovyh fractions of blood serum. The latter circumstance is connected with the question of the existence of human allergic antibodies specific - reagin, which reproduce in animals is also completely fail.

At the same time, modern ideas about the mechanisms of allergic reactions have so far on the basis of experimental study of anaphylaxis and allergy. Therefore, the experimental understanding of the pathogenesis of allergic diseases are currently the data on which the doctrine of allergy.

Opening of anaphylaxis in dogs (Richet, Portier, 1902) and guinea pigs (GP Sakharov, 1905) soon led to a very great interest among Russian researchers, and soon a lot of work, covering the different parties to re-open mechanism of the phenomenon.

AM Bezredka (1907) in the laboratory of I. I. Mechnikov held a series of critical studies on anaphylaxis and antianafilaksii. The method of specific desensitization, open and developed by AM Bezredkoy, has found wide application in modern medicine.

If we try to identify the main areas of study of anaphylaxis and allergy in our country in the past and now, we can identify the following main lines of research.

1. Study of allergic reactions in comparative and evolutionary aspects (NN Sirotinin, IL Krichevsky, A. Gordienko).

2. Pathophysiological mechanisms of anaphylactic shock and allergic alteration of organs and tissues (D. Alpern, A. Bogomolets, AM Chornukhi, A. Kravchenko, AM Melik-Megrabov, N. Sirotinin etc. .).

3. Pathomorphologic expression of allergic reactions (A. Abrikosov, J. Давыдовский, MA Skvortsov, AI Strukov).

4. Allergic component with Infectious Diseases (N. Sirotinin, PF Zdrodovsky, IL Bogdanov, N. Beklemishev).

5. Study of Allergy and autoallergii in the clinic and in experiment (MP Konchalovsky, ND Strazhesko, AI Nesterov, EM packaging, PK Bulatov, VI Ioffe, N. S. bucket, M. Zheltakov and many others).

Under the leadership of N. Sirotinina in Kiev for the first time in our country was established for the production of allergy diagnosis and therapy of allergic diseases.

An important focus of study of the pathogenesis of allergic reactions, studies of allergen irritants as the various divisions of the nervous system: nerve endings, nerve agents, nerve centers, and other excitable tissues (AD Ado, 1938, 1940, 1947, 1952; AN Gordienko, 1948 , 1949, 1961). Research activities as allergens and other irritants holinnergicheskih innervatsionnyh devices led to a revision of the role of histamine as a universal bridge mechanism in all types of allergic reactions. The development of this trend is continuing now in many laboratories abroad.

A successful fight against allergic diseases, and especially the prevention of allergic disease, it is required by examining the relationship between the spread of allergic diseases and the complex factors that determine the conditions of living, working and living in various areas.

In domestic and foreign literature in recent years are increasing reports of high specific weight of allergic diseases in total morbidity.

World Health Organization annually publishes data on the incidence of people of different countries, chronic and infectious diseases. Incidence of the population of several countries of asthma more than common diseases such as malignant tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, polio. Thus, the United States took first place in the world by number of patients with bronchial asthma, while the incidence of malignant tumors is less than 7 times, and tuberculosis of the respiratory system - 120 times. In England the number of patients with asthma in 3 times more than patients with malignant diseases, and 25 times greater than patients with tuberculosis of the respiratory system. As for patients with rheumatism and polio, the number in many countries, small compared to patients with bronchial asthma.

The study of allergic disease represents a major socio-hygienic problem, the main task of which is the study of environmental factors that contribute to allergic diseases.