Nov 23, 2011

Intestinal bacterium Helicobacter pylori protects the body from allergic asthma

At the conclusion of Immunology of the University of Zurich, an intestinal bacterium Helicobacter pylori protects the body from allergic asthma.

In a joint study with the University of Mainz allergists of Johann Gutenberg (University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) found a strong case to support the hypothesis that the incidence of allergic diseases in developed countries is associated with the rapid disappearance of certain microorganisms, which in most cases asymptomatic organisms live in each of the second person on the planet.

Almost an epidemic prevalence of allergic asthma in recent decades due to traditionally pollution, smoking, hygiene hypothesis, and the widespread use of antibiotics. According to the hygiene hypothesis, reduced exposure to bacterial antigens in early childhood and lack of immune stress leads to increased risk of developing allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Researchers have shown that the increase in asthma cases may be due to the disappearance of gastric bacteria Helicobacter pylori in developed societies of the West. These bacteria can survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. Most Helicobacter pylori strains not pathogenic to humans and their small concentration does not lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, in certain circumstances, in particular, the weakening of the immune system, infection can cause gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer. Therefore, doctors often prescribe prophylactic antibiotics, which destroy Helicobacter pylori, even those patients who have no complaints.

During the experiment it was shown that Helicobacter pylori infection early in life protects against asthma. In the experimental mice infected with the bacteria in a few days after birth, there was a immunulogic tolerance to Helicobacter pylori and the almost total lack of response to allergens that cause asthma. Animals that are at an early age have not been infected with Helicobacter pylori, were exposed to an allergy to a much greater extent.

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