Dec 24, 2012


    Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis).

     A native of North America, goldenseal is one of the world's best-selling medicinal herbs. Most often used to combat bacterial or viral infections or to improve digestion, goldenseal is a specific for sinus congestion and upper respiratory mucus conditions. One of its many plant constituents is berberine, which has been the subject of several scientific investigations. Berberine has antibiotic, antispasmodic and sedative properties, and it stimulates the immune system.

     Goldenseal is usually added to other herbs, though it can be taken alone. To brew goldenseal tea, make an infusion using 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the dried root per cup of water and take 3 times daily. A little of the tincture goes a long way; the suggested dose is up to 1/4 teaspoon 3 times daily. Always buy goldenseal from a reputable source. In the past, goldenseal has been adulterated with turmeric, the bright yellow ingredient in curry powders, and other plants. High-quality goldenseal is expensive because the plant is rare in the wild (it was nearly harvested to extinction in the early 1900s) and difficult to grow.

Solidago vigaurea

   Goldenrod (Solidago vigaurea).

  This is Europe's only member of the Solidago species, unlike North America, which has several. The European goldenrod, which is far less showy than its American cousins, has a long history of medicinal use. For many herbalists, goldenrod is the herb of choice in treating the chronic inflammation of upper respiratory mucous membranes. It can also be added to other herbs in the treatment of influenza. Brew the tea as an infusion.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale).

     Ginger is a stimulant, though not so dramatic as cayenne pepper, horseradish, caffeine or Ma huang. Because of its gentle warming influence and its compatibility with all herbs, ginger is an ingredient in many teas blended for respiratory conditions, and its catalyst effect enhances their properties.

    Ginger is considered safe for people of all ages, from children to the elderly. The dried root should be simmered as a decoction, but fresh ginger root can be shredded or chopped and added to any tea, whether infusion or decoction. Powdered ginger can be used either way as well.

Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis).

Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis)

      This may sound like an herb for the eyes, but it's really a specific for the mucous membranes. An anti-inflammatory astringent herb that fights congestion, eyebright helps clear the sinuses. It can be used alone or added to any herbal preparation for the upper respiratory tract.

       Brew the tea as an infusion; the recommended tincture dose is 1/2 teaspoon 3 times daily.

Elecampane (Inula belenium)

    The root or rhizome of this tall medicinal plant is a specific for bronchial coughs, especially in children. This expectorant, antimicrobial plant contains a relaxing mucilage, so that the productive coughing it stimulates is accompanied by a soothing action. Useful in the treatment of asthma and bronchial asthma, elecampane has a history of use in tuberculosis and other respiratory problems.

    Elecampane can be blended with other respiratory herbs or used alone. Its bitter principle stimulates digestion and appetite. Do not boil the herb, but brew an infusion by pouring 1 cup boiling water over 1 teaspoon shredded root.

Dec 7, 2012

Sambucus nigra

      Elder Flowers, Leaves and Berries (Sambucus nigra). The attractive black elder tree has new friends all over the world. Its berries recently made headlines as a cure for the flu, its leaves have expectorant properties and its flowers fight congestion and muscle spasms.

      Madeleine Mumcuoglu, an Israeli scientist, developed a syrup made from elderberries that has been shown in clinical tests to prevent and treat influenza. Sambucol syrup and lozenges are sold in health food stores, as is a similar elderberry syrup from the Sambu International Cleansing Program (see appendix for sources). 
Elder blossoms are a popular ingredient in herbal cough drops such as Ricola lozenges from Switzerland.   

Dec 6, 2012

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea and E. angustifolia)

     Echinacea is a bestseller because it works. An antimicrobial herb, which means it has antibiotic properties, echinacea is a popular ingredient in preparations that fight colds and flu. It supports and strengthens the immune system and helps reduce sinus congestion.

    A specific for colds and flu, especially when taken frequently in large doses at the onset of symptoms, echinacea plays an important supporting role in treating asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, whooping cough, croup, hay fever and other respiratory disorders.

Dec 5, 2012

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

      Comfrey is a powerful respiratory healer, thanks to its demulcent, anti-in-flammatory and expectorant properties. In addition, comfrey contains allantoin, a cell-growth stimulator that makes it an effective treatment for cuts and wounds. It even speeds the healing of broken bones.

     Comfrey is a specific in the treatment of bronchitis and irritable, painful coughs, for it soothes inflamed tissue, reduces irritation and relieves congestion. But comfrey is a controversial herb and many health food stores no longer carry it. Comfrey contains a class of compounds that, when isolated and fed to laboratory rats in large doses, can cause liver damage.

 For hundreds of years, Comfrey has been among the most widely used medicinal herbs in Europe and the United States with no adverse side effects ever reported. However, in 1984 a woman who had been taking comfrey-pepsin tablets developed liver toxicity and soon warnings of every description appeared in the media. Since then, three additional cases of liver disease have been found in people who took comfrey. 

Because of the laboratory rat test results and because the FDA has published warnings about the herb based on these four cases, some herbalists no longer recommend comfrey. However, since none of the four human cases of liver disease were proved to be caused by comfrey and because thousands of tons of the herb have been consumed by hundreds of thousands of people with only good results reported, others continue to use it. A middle approach, which I share, is to substitute another herb in cases of liver disease but to recommend comfrey as part of an herbal therapy for lung diseases, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory problems.

Dec 4, 2012

An Effective Cough Syrup

       For example, to make an effective cough syrup, combine 2 tablespoons each of dried coltsfoot, echinacea, wild cherry bark, slippery elm bark, sage, horehound and ginger in 2 cups water. Simmer the herbs for about an hour over low to medium heat, uncovered, until half the water has evaporated. Strain the tea through cheesecloth and add an equal amount of raw honey or brown rice syrup.

      It's more exotic, but I'm partial to the following recipe for coltsfoot leaf syrup from Maria Treben's book Health through God's Pharmacy.

     Treben recommended this syrup for all lung disorders, coughs and bronchitis. In a large ceramic pot or glass jar, alternate layers of fresh coltsfoot leaves and raw sugar, let it settle and keep adding more until the pot is full. Wrap the pot in newspaper or fabric, then dig a hole in the garden and bury it. After eight weeks, dig it up and strain the syrup into a large pan and bring it just to a boil. Pour it into small jars. ''This syrup is our best protection against winter and influenza,'' wrote Treben. "Take it in teaspoonful doses." Coltsfoot is the first herb to bloom in the Northeast and I'm always cheered by its yellow blossoms rising through the snow in early spring.
    Adapting Treben's recipe, I have made wonderful coltsfoot syrups using raw sugar or a blend of raw sugar and raw honey layered with freshly picked coltsfoot leaves in a large glass jar which I leave outdoors in the sun all summer. From time to time I turn the tightly sealed jar upside down so its liquid contents can circulate. Instead of boiling the syrup, I simply strain it into clean glass jars and store them in a cool, dark place. This year I'm experimenting with coltsfoot-ginger syrup using sliced fresh ginger root, another soothing remedy for sore throats and chronic coughs.

Dec 3, 2012

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)

      This important herb for the respiratory system is considered a specific for chronic or acute bronchitis, irritating coughs, whooping cough, asthma, emphysema, laryngitis, bronchial asthma and even tuberculosis. Combining a soothing expectorant effect with antispasmodic action, coltsfoot reduces inflammation and promotes free breathing. According to Mrs. Grieves, smoking the dried leaves of coltsfoot has been recommended for relief from coughs since ancient times. Jethro Kloss, another legendary herbalist, recommended snuffing powdered leaves up the nostrils for nasal obstructions and headaches.

    Rudolf Weiss prescribed hot coltsfoot tea for emphysema and morning cough, recommending a cup before rising. Maria Treben wrote that inhaling steam from the flowers and leaves soothes bronchitis and relieves shortness of breath. In 1987, a Swiss infant born with a severely damaged liver died. Every day of her pregnancy, the mother drank an expectorant tea containing coltsfoot. The tea contained senecionine, a pyrrolizidine alkaloid, but its source was uncertain; it may not have been coltsfoot. As a precaution, the German government placed a one-year moratorium on the sale of coltsfoot. No other cases of potential coltsfoot toxicity were discovered and the ban was repealed. Syrups for respiratory conditions are easy to make and use.