Nov 13, 2008

Allergy or Flu?

How to differ normal flu from allergies?

Do you have a flu, which never takes place? Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish flu from allergies because the symptoms are very similar. If you have a flu occurs at the same time of the year and lasts several weeks or months, it is possible that an allergic reaction to something. To know this for sure, you should consult a physician.

Compare the symptoms of flues and allergic symptoms:

Flu: Sneezing, Stuffy nose, Sneezing, Rhinitis, Temperature, Sore throat, Apportionment from nose, Sick, Duration of symptoms is about one week or two

Allergic symptoms: Sneezing, Stuffy nose, Sneezing, Itch in eye, Rhinitis, Apportionment from nose, Sick, Duration of symptoms is permanently or in some seasons of the ear.

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