Sep 30, 2008

Classification of Allergy Diseases

1) diseases associated with immediate response hyper sensibility type:

* Anaphylactic shock;
* Bannister's disease edema;
* Urticaria;

2) diseases associated with slow-hyper sensibility reaction type:

* Fixed drugs stomatitis;
* Common toxic-allergic stomatitis (catarrhal, catarrhal-bleeding, erosion-ulcerous, German-directly-necrotic stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis, gingivitis);

3) systemic toxic-allergic diseases:

* Disease Layela;
* Many shapes exudative erythema;
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
* Chronic recrudescent thrush;
* Behçet's syndrome;
* Sjögren's sicca [Mikulicz-Sjögren] syndrome.

Allergic diseases among children is now widespread, constantly increasing the number and severity of the current. This is, apparently, pollution emission, waste industry, the emergence in the home of many plastics, dyes and other substances that are allergens, and hence contribute to the spread of allergic diseases. The widespread and uncontrolled use of drugs also leads to an increase in allergic reactions. Increased sensitivity to the drug substance is often caused by an unjustified use of multiple drugs, uncontrolled receiving antibiotics, lack of knowledge physicians pharmacokinetics of the drug. In the occurrence of allergic diseases play a role of influence of climatic factors, heredity, general pathology of power, etc.

So, allergies - is pathologically increased and perverse reaction of the organism to certain substances antigenic nature, which have normal individuals do not cause painful events. An important role in the development of allergies is as nervous, endocrine systems, alimentary canal diseases, etc. The cause allergies may be different substances that are entering the body, causing the immune response humoral or cell type.

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